[mapguide-users] MapStudio Open Source - MgDbXmlException

geofleming krabjohn at flemingc.on.ca
Mon May 26 13:16:59 EDT 2008

HI Thanks foer the reply.

I looked in the log and I noticed a few things like it is referencing a
d:\buildforgeprojects\mapguide_open_source_v2.0 I don't even have a d drive.

Here is what the error log says. When I try to save a .map
I made a connection, saved a layer with one shp file, (should I be adding
all parts of the shapfile or is .shp the only one you need?)
Then I add this layer into the map and try to save it, that's when I get
this error.

 Error: An exception occurred in DB XML component.
        Error: XML Indexer:  Parse error in document at line, 21, char 14.
Parser message: Element 'ExpandInLegend' is not valid for content model:
  - MgResourceServiceHandler.ProcessOperation line 80 file
  - MgOpSetResource.Execute line 103 file
  - MgServerResourceService.SetResource line 713 file
  - MgRepositoryManager.SetResource line 867 file
  - MgRepositoryManager.AddResource line 840 file
  - MgResourceContentManager.AddResource line 183 file
  - MgResourceContentManager.PutDocument line 624 file
  - MgResourceDefinitionManager.PutDocument line 554 file
An exception occurred in DB XML component.
Error: XML Indexer:  Parse error in document at line, 21, char 14. Parser
message: Element 'ExpandInLegend' is not valid for content model:

As you can probly tell I am a newbie with mapguide OS, but I have used many
other Web GIS sytems including Mapguide 6.3.

Thanks,  Kevin

Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S wrote:
> When that happens, it is because the Xml is not valid.
> In the server log, there is a more detailed description of the error:
> C:\program files\MapGuideOpenSource2.0\server\logs\error.log
> Using that information, you may be able to guess what the problem is.
> If you figure it out, please let me know
> If not, can you explain, step by step, what you did to produce this error?
> I would appreciate it if you created a ticket for this problem:
> http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/newticket
> In the component field, make sure you select "Maestro" (that is the new 
> name for MapStudio OS).
> Regards, Kenneth Skovhede, GEOGRAF A/S
> geofleming skrev:
>> I am also getting this error when trying to make a map. 
>> I have tried different data, even tried the sheboygan sdf files but still
>> nothing. Is it a rights issue on the server? Something not registered? I
>> have installed mapguide os on both a win 2003 server and Xp pro using the
>> bundles software and the demo data works great but thats all that works.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Kevin
>> Viva_Rose wrote:
>>> i having this error when i try to save the xxxx.map
>>> Wat should i do to prevent this error....
>>> http://www.nabble.com/file/p17097041/Error.bmp 
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View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/MapStudio-Open-Source---MgDbXmlException-tp17097041p17475725.html
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