[mapguide-users] Zoom into a point beyond initial map view

Iulia Tamas iulia_tamas30 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 8 11:11:49 EST 2012


When I try to zoom into a point that is beyond initial map view in fusion, the zoom is not done correctly. Instead of zooming on the point, the zoom is made on the center of the map.

I am using the following code:

              var extent = mapWidget.getExtentFromPoint(<?= $CenterX ?>,<?= $CenterY ?>, scale );

If the point is in the Initial view, the zoom is done ok .

I have checked and the extents are calculated ok, but the zoom is still nod made on the point. This is not happening on DWF Viewer using the ZoomToView function

Does anybody have any idea why this is happening?

Thank You,
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