[mapguide-users] Problems with base layers.

maherich maherich at gis-services.sk
Thu Dec 22 04:37:47 PST 2016

We didn't dig very deep into it as we didn't have so much time. What we did is that we created two maps:
1.       One for public where we put all the layers into one Basemap that is not transparent. So even though the previous maps are loaded after switching the map they are displayed under the map that is selected :). Of course this is only a hack and not a solution. And we transfer lot more data as needed.
2.       Second map for authorities. In this map we use no Base Layers anymore. It is not so fast, but there is no problem with switching of maps.
Thank you for your input. If you find any solution, we will very appreciate it.

From: RenoSun [via OSGeo.org] [mailto:ml-node+s1560n5300545h58 at n6.nabble.com]
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2016 9:17 PM
To: Martin Herich <maherich at gis-services.sk>
Subject: Re: Problems with base layers.

Hi Martin,

Same here with AIMS 2014. I noticed that when I switched the map by using Map Fusion.Widget.MapMenu, somehow the Fusion was still trying to load every maps that I switched to as basemaps, and also the Base Layers from previous maps.

I switched to three different maps, and Fusion request the single tiles of every map that I switched to all the time.

[Cookies - PHPSESSID]
[Property Map - Initial Map of Fusion]
[Utility Map - One of the maps of Fusion]
[Recreation Map - One of the maps of Fusion]

I will keep digging for solutions, but hope others may find the solutions for this problem too.


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