[mapguide-users] Problems with selection

Butler, Juan P jpbutler at co.pinellas.fl.us
Thu Apr 20 12:35:57 EDT 2006

Some more observations...
It seems that when I select my parcel layer that is tied to my Access database, the highlight feature doesn't work.  When I switch over to use just the layer that is based strictly on the sdf file, the highlighting works.  So I guess it has something to do with layers that are tied to an Access database.  Can someone else please try this and let me know if they are seeing this?
Also, when I select a feature and then turn of the layer of the selected feature, the feature seems to still be selected.  Odd.   
FYI: I'm using the AJAXViewer
- Juan


From: Butler, Juan P
Sent: Thu 4/20/2006 12:05 PM
To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapguide-users] Problems with selection

Has anyone experienced problems with features not highlighting after selection?  The data appears in the Properties frame, but the feature isn't highlighted.  Plus, the bottom of the map states 1 feature selected.  It's only on my parcel polygon layer.   My other polygon layers select and highlight fine.  Weird.
Another thing I noticed was when I had a feature selected from this layer, if I go to zoom out or pan, the map locks up and does nothing unless I unselect the feature.  
- Juan
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