[MapProxy] Multi-layer transparency problem

Dejan Gambin dejan.gambin at coin.hr
Thu Jan 12 07:32:11 EST 2012

Hi list,

I am a relatively new mapproxy user and since now didn't have any problems/reasons to post on this list. So this piece of software is definitely great :-)

Maybe someone can point me into right direction

I have mapproxy set up with MapServer as WMS server/source. Everything seems to be fine except when requesting two layers that are overlayed one above the other. The first layer is a polygon layer with TRANSPARENCY parameter set to 70 (this is indeed the opacity). The other layer is line layer, with no transparency set.

Now, when I show them separately, they are ok, but if I put (turn on) the second layer above the first one, the first layer changes its color and becomes more "blurred" (like more transparency is added to it). It doesn't happen with direct MapServer WMS GetMap request, so I suppose it is related to mapproxy.

Btw, I am using mapproxy 1.2 on debian machine.

Thanks very much for any useful information

regards, dejan

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