[MapProxy] Windows installation and ZLIB support

solitone solitone at mail.com
Wed Dec 18 02:51:00 PST 2013

Oliver Tonnhofer ha scritto:
> you can use the binary packages form Gohlke (http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/). They are also linked in the Windows install documentation http://mapproxy.org/docs/nightly/install_windows.html#platform-dependent-packages
> Just download the right package and `easy_install path\to\pillow.xxx.exe`.

Ok, you're right, thanks!

I did try this option, but I had downloaded the wrong package, it was
not the right version for my python version, and it ended up compiling
it. Now I've downloaded the right version and it works.

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