[MapProxy] GetCapabilities-request very slow

Keith Moss Keith.Moss at landgate.wa.gov.au
Wed Mar 13 20:46:21 PDT 2013

Hi Olivier,

With 'legendgraphic: false' I'm seeing a 60s response time for 200 layers and ~54MB of memory usage on the Apache process in response to GetCapabilities requests. Much improved from before, but still quite high.

Thanks for the tip. Running the configuration via 'mapproxy-utils serve-develop' it took 64s regardless of the value of legendgraphic. It didn't print anything about retrieving GetLegendGraphic requests, though, and the Apache log files didn't show any being done.



Keith Moss
Satellite Remote Sensing Services
65 Brockway Road, FLOREAT WA 6014
PO Box 741 Wembley WA 6913
Ph. (08) 9387 0332 | Fx. (08) 9383 7142
keith.moss at landgate.wa.gov.au

From: Oliver Tonnhofer [olt at omniscale.de]
Sent: Wednesday, 13 March 2013 5:15 PM
To: Keith Moss
Cc: Max Stephan; mapproxy at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [MapProxy] GetCapabilities-request very slow

On 13.03.2013, at 04:36, Keith Moss wrote:
> We've noticed this issue too, albeit with slighty more layers - ~1,600!
> Here are the timings:
> 25 Layers:   30s. Memory usage from 566MB - 566MB (seemingly no increase)
> 50 layers:     60s. 551MB - 564MB
> 100 Layers: 120s. 363MB - 395MB
> 200 Layers: 280s. 395MB - 548MB
> I got tired of waiting at this point and gave up :)
> I've attached the two configuration files for the 25 layers example.

As always, please check your configurations with `mapproxy-utils serve-develop`.

You will see that it will try to fetch 25/50/100/100 GetLegendGraphic images. MapProxy will download and cache them on the first request. This is necessary, because the capabilities document needs to contain the actual width and height of the legend image.
Can you post the timings with `legendgraphic: false`?


Oliver Tonnhofer    | Omniscale GmbH & Co KG    | http://omniscale.com
http://mapproxy.org | https://github.com/olt    | @oltonn
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