[Mapserver-dev] Is there an issue in the tracker regarding new work on msImageCreate?

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Jul 29 10:52:14 EDT 2004

Norman Vine wrote:
> Daniel Morissette writes:
>>Actually, I also wanted proposed before that all bug email notifications 
>>go to a mailing list or an alias somewhere, but we didn't get consensus 
>>on that one.
> I have found that having CVS itself send an email on every commit to a 
> dedicated mailing list a very effective way to monitor changes.

Yup, fully agreed. We do it to track changes to some of our projects 
like chameleon and a few others. It's as simple as adding the following 
line to the CVSROOT/loginfo:

^mapserver  mail -s "[mapserver-cvs] "%s someaddress at somedomain.com

(It's important to not add any space or quotes around the %s above)

Perhaps a new mapserver-cvs list could be created, and this could be 
added to the CVS repository?

  Daniel Morissette               dmorissette at dmsolutions.ca
  DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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