MapServer 4.4.0 released

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Tue Nov 30 11:11:36 EST 2004

Sean Gillies wrote:
> Are your release notes available at a URL from  I'd
> like to point to it from my project site.

Not at the moment. The "What's new in 4.4" summary came from the Wiki

I agree that it would be nice to have a copy of the summary and of the
relevant parts of HISTORY.TXT on the website somewhere, perhaps in the
downloads page if we don't have a better location.

> Seems to me that the MapServer website should be promoting the new
> release.  There are enough new features that
>   "Current version: 4.4.0"
> seems inadequate.

Agreed, but for that I think we need a real website team. Maintaining a
website up to date is as demanding as developing software, maybe the
switch to Plone will help that?

BTW, does anyone know if there is a clear schedule for that Plone
switch?  Maybe it would be simpler to just put up a new website
somewhere else with a link to it from the main site?

  Daniel Morissette               dmorissette at
  DM Solutions Group    

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