MapServer Technical Steering Committee Proposal
Frank Warmerdam
fwarmerdam at GMAIL.COM
Mon Jun 27 17:18:21 EDT 2005
On 6/27/05, Daniel Morissette <dmorissette at> wrote:
> Great job Frank! You get my +1 vote on RFC-1, I think that would be a
> great start, we could try for a few months, see how it goes and adapt
> the process as needed.
> Should the result of the votes be archived somewhere in an official
> manner instead of just in the list archives?
> Perhaps we could vote as part of the bug that documents the issue being
> discussed? (Not using the bugzilla voting mechanism, but just by writing
> a comment in the bug with your votes). Benefits of using bugzilla are
> that it's quick to go and cast your vote, all the votes for a given
> issue are in the same bug so they're easy to track down later on, and
> contrary to the Plone site or wikis, information cannot be removed from
> bugzilla, so once a comment/vote is entered it's recorded there for ever
> with the identity of the person who submitted it. Just a thought... I
> know you must be tired of me talking about using bugzilla for
> everything.... sorry...
In fact, the thing I am least happy with in the initial RFC-1
float is that it does not address the existing use of Bugzilla as
part of our process.
I am ammenable to updating the RFC to issues being proposed
and voted in bugzilla, though I think it is important to advertise
the proposals on mapserver-dev. As for keeping track of the
votes, I don't think that is terrible important in the long term.
For "policy" documents, I would like to see those recorded in
CVS in the "rfc" directory in a final ammended form so people
don't need to go digging in Bugzilla to find things. But I think
bugzilla is a good place to do some of the discussion and
fits with our existing approach.
For relatively minor decisions, like "does anyone mind me
adding Z_M ifdef's for shapeObj", I don't see that we need
any long term record of the decision, so the bugzilla
bug would be the "final word". For something longer term,
like a coding style guidelines, or "release process" document
I think we would want an "rfc" style document in CVS.
Once Steve gives an opinion on stuff, I will revise RFC-1
with changes related to Bugzilla and other suggestions and
issue it for "formal" vote. Well, in the case of RFC-1 I am
hoping for unanimous active consent.
Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent
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