MapServer Technical Steering Committee Proposal

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Tue Jun 28 11:30:01 EDT 2005

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> I am ammenable to updating the RFC to issues being proposed
> and voted in bugzilla, though I think it is important to advertise
> the proposals on mapserver-dev. 

I agree that notification via mapserver-dev would still be required even 
if we vote via bugzilla.

> As for keeping track of the
> votes, I don't think that is terrible important in the long term.

Well, my reasoning was that if we're worried about things like source 
code traceability then I think that to be consistent we should also 
worry about traceability of the votes that lead us to accepting (or 
rejecting) those changes to the code.

> For "policy" documents, I would like to see those recorded in 
> CVS in the "rfc" directory in a final ammended form so people
> don't need to go digging in Bugzilla to find things. 


> But I think
> bugzilla is a good place to do some of the discussion and
> fits with our existing approach. 

Discussion could still take place on the -dev list if it fits best there 
(bugs with 75 comments in them are as useless as long email list 
threads). My initial comment was more to suggest that we archive the 
actual vote in some place that's easy to find.

  Daniel Morissette               dmorissette at
  DM Solutions Group    

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