MapServer 4.8.1 released (was: MapServer 4.8.0 released)
Daniel Morissette
dmorissette at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Fri Feb 3 15:17:51 EST 2006
A bug was introduced between 4.8.0rc3 and the 4.8.0 release that broke
support for POST requests.
We've had to pull the 4.8.0 release and issue a new MapServer 4.8.1 with
this bug fixed:
Sorry about this.
Version 4.8.1 (2006-02-03)
- Fixed bug introduced by previous fix to set default content-type in
POST requests. (bug 1628)
Daniel Morissette wrote:
> Good Morning,
> MapServer 4.8.0 has just been released. The source package is available
> in the download area of the website and you can expect compiled binaries
> to become available shortly at the usual locations:
> Since the creation of the MapServer Technical Steering Committee in
> August, new features are now tracked via RFC documents. You can browse
> the complete list of RFCs at
> The relevant RFCs for this 4.8 release are:
> * MS RFC 2: Creating line features and/or shapes using WKT
> * MS RFC 3: Layer Plug-in Architecture
> * MS RFC 4: MapServer Raster Resampling
> * MS RFC 5: MapServer Horizon Reprojection Improvements
> * MS RFC 6: Color Range Mapping of Continuous Feature Values
> * MS RFC 8: Pluggable External Feature Layer Providers
> Once again, all the details are available in the RFC documents at the
> URL above.
> Another important enhancement in this release that is not documented in
> a RFC is the support for fuzzy brushes which allows producing
> antialiased thick lines when ANTIALIAS TRUE is set in a STYLE. For more
> details look for the "Fuzzy brushes and antialiased lines" thread in the
> mapserver-users list archives.
> This release also includes a large number of small enhancements and bug
> fixes that didn't deserve their own RFC. I have included a copy of the
> list of changes/fixes since 4.6 from the HISTORY.TXT at the end of this
> message.
> Daniel
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Daniel Morissette dmorissette at
> DM Solutions Group
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Version 4.8.0 (2006-02-02)
> --------------------------
> - Treat classindex as an int instead of a char in resultCacheMemberObj to
> prevent problems with more than 128 classes (bug 1633)
> - Fixed possible crash with default content-type and POST requests.(bug
> 1628)
> - Known issue: MapScript queryByAttributes() creates wrong WHERE clause on
> postgis layers in some cases (patch available, see bug 1629)
> Version 4.8.0-rc3 (2006-01-25)
> ------------------------------
> - Add gml:lineStringMember in GML2 MultiLineString geometry (bug 1569).
> - Move gBYTE_ORDER inside the pg layerinfo structure to allow for
> differently
> byte ordered connections (bug 1587).
> - Close file handle when saving symbolset.
> - Fix the memory allocation bug in sdeShapeCopy (Bug 1606).
> - Fixed OGR WKT support (Bug 1614).
> - Finished implementation of OGR Shape2WKT function (Bug 1614).
> - Added shapeObj::toWkt() and ms_shapeObjFromWkt() to PHP MapScript (bug
> 1466)
> - Detect/add -DHAVE_VSNPRINTF in configure script and prevent systematic
> buffer overflow in imagemap code when vsnprintf() not available (bug
> 1613)
> Version 4.8.0-rc2 (2006-01-09)
> ------------------------------
> - Commit fix for GD on win32 when different heaps are in use. (Bug 1513)
> - Correct bound reprojection issue with ogc filer (Bug 1600)
> - Correct mapscript windows build problem when flag USE_WMS_SVR was
> not set (Bug 1529)
> - Fix up allocation of the SDE ROW_ID columns and how the functions that
> call it were using it. (bug 1605)
> - Fixed crash with 3D polygons in Oracle Spatial (bug 1593)
> Version 4.8.0-rc1 (2005-12-22)
> ------------------------------
> - Fixed shape projection to recompute shape bounds. (Bug 1586)
> - Fixed segfault when copying/removing styles via MapScript. (Bug 1565)
> - Fixed segfault when doing attribute queries on layers with a FILTER
> already
> set but with no FILTERITEM.
> Version 4.8.0-beta3 (2005-12-16)
> --------------------------------
> - Initialize properly variable in php mapscript (Bug 1584)
> - New support for pseudo anti-aliased fat lines using brushes with variable
> transparency.
> - Arbitrary rotation support for vector symbols courtesy of Map Media.
> - Support for user-defined mime-types for CGI-based browse and legend
> templates (bug 1518).
> - mapraster.c: Allow mapresample.c code to be called even if projections
> are not set on the map or layer object. This is no longer a requirement.
> (Bug 1562)
> - Fix problem with WMS 1.1.1 OGC test problem with get capabilites dtd
> (Bug 1576)
> - PDF : adding dash line support (Bug 492)
> - Fixed configure/build problem (empty include dir) when iconv.h is not
> found (bug 1419)
> - PDF : segfault on annotation layer when no style is set (Bug 1559)
> - PostGIS layer test cases and fix for broken views and sub-selects (bug
> 1443).
> - SDE: Removed (commented out) support for SDE rasters at this time. As
> far
> as I know, I'm the only one to ever get it to work, it hasn't kept up
> with
> the connection pooling stuff we did, and its utility is quite limited in
> comparison to regular gdal-based raster support (projections,
> resampling, etc) (HB - bug 1560).
> - SDE: Put msSDELayerGetRowIDColumn at the top of mapsde.c so things
> would compile correctly. This function is not included (or necessary)
> in the rest of the MS RFC 3 layer virtualization at this time.
> - WFS : TYPENAME is manadatory for GetFeature request (Bug 1554).
> - SLD : error parsing font parameters with the keyword "normal" (Bug 1552)
> - mapgraticule.c: Use MIN/MAXINTERVAL value when we define grid position
> and
> interval (bug 1530)
> - mapdrawgdal.c: Fix bug with nodata values not in the color table when
> rendering some raster layers (bug 1541).
> - mapogcsld.c : If a RULE name is not given, set the class name to
> "Unknown"
> (Bug 1451)
> Version 4.8.0-beta2 (2005-11-23)
> --------------------------------
> - Use dynamic allocation for ellipse symbol's STYLE array, avoiding the
> static limitation on the STYLE argument values. (bug 1539)
> - Fix bug in mapproject.c when splitting over the horizon lines.
> - Fix Tcl mapscript's getBytes method (bug 1533).
> - Use mapscript.i in-place when building Ruby mapscript, copying not
> necessary
> (bug 1528).
> - Expose maximum lengths of layer, class, and style arrays in mapscript
> (bug
> 1522).
> - correct msGetVersion to indicate if mapserver was build with MYGIS
> support.
> - Fixed hang in msProjectRect() for very small rectangles due to round off
> problems (bug 1526).
> Version 4.8.0-beta1 (2005-11-04)
> --------------------------------
> - Bug 1509: Fixed bounding box calculation in mapresample.c. The bottom
> right
> corner was being missed in the calculation.
> - MS RFC 2: added OGR based shape<->WKT implementation.
> - mapgdal.c: fixed some mutex lock release issues on error conditions.
> - MS RFC 8: External plugin layer providers (bug 1477)
> - SLD : syntax error when auto generating external symbols (Bug 1508).
> - MS RFC 3: Layer vtable architecture (bug 1477)
> - wms time : correct a problem when hadling wms times with tile index
> rasters
> (bug 1506).
> - WMS TIME : Add suuport for multiple interval extents (Bug 1498)
> - Removed deprecated --with-php-regex-dir switch (bug 1468)
> - support wms_attribution element for LAYER's (Bug 1502)
> - Correct php/mapscript bug : initialization of scale happens when
> preparequery is called (Bug 1334).
> - msProjectShape() will now project the lines it can, but completely
> delete lines that cannot be projected properly and "NULL" the shape if
> there are no lines left. (Bug 411)
> - Expose msLayerWhichShapes and msLayerNextShape in MapScript. (bug 1481)
> - Added support to MapScript to change images in a previously defined
> symbol. (bug 1471)
> - mapogcfiler.c : bug 1490. Crash when size of sld filters was huge.
> - Fixed --enable-point-z-m fix in (== -> =) (bug 1485).
> - Extra scalebar layer creation is prevented with a typo fix in mapscale.c.
> Good catch, Tamas (bug 1480).
> - mapwmslayer.c : use transparency set at the layer level on wms client
> layers (Bug 1458)
> - mapresample.c: added BILINEAR/AVERAGE resampling options.
> - mapfile.c: avoid tail recursion in freeFeatureList().
> - maplegend.c: fixed leak of imageObj when embedding legends.
> - msGDALCleanup(): better error handler cleanup.
> - Modified msResetErrorList() to free the last error link too, to ensure
> msCleanup() scrubs all error related memory.
> - Fix in msGetGDALGetTransform() to use default geotransform even if
> GDALGetGeoTransform() fails but alters the geotransform array.
> - Typemaps for C# to enable imageObj.getBytes() method (bug 1389).
> - Enable -DUSE_ZLIB via configure for compressed SVG output (bug 1307).
> - maputil.c/msAddLine(): rewrite msAddLine() to call
> msAddLineDirectly, and use realloc() in msAddLineDirectly() to optimize
> growth of shapeObjs. (bug 1432)
> - msTmpFile: ensure counter is incremented to avoid duplicate
> temporary filenames. (bug 1312)
> - SLD external graphic symbol format tests now for mime type
> like image/gif instead of just GIF. (bug 1430)
> - Added support for OGR layers to use SQL type filers (bug 1292)
> - mapio/cgiutil - fixed POST support in fastcgi mode. (bug 1259)
> - mapresample.c - ensure that multi-band raw results can be
> resampled. (bug 1372)
> - Add support in OGC FE for matchCase attribute on
> PropertyIsEqual and PropertyIsLike (bug 1416)
> - Fixed sortshp.c to free shapes after processing to avoid major
> memory leak. (bug 1418)
> - fixed msHTTPInit() not ever being called which prevented msHTTPCleanup()
> from properly cleaning up cUrl with curl_global_cleanup(). (bug 1417)
> - mapsde.c: add thread locking in msSDELCacheAdd
> - fixed mappool.c so that any thread can release a connection,
> not just it's allocator. (bug 1402)
> - mapthread.c/h: Added TLOCK_SDE and TLOCK_ORACLE - not used yet.
> - Fixed copying of layer and join items. (bug 1403)
> - Fixed copying of processing directives within copy of a layer. (bug 1399)
> - Problems with string initialization. (bug 1312)
> - Fix svg output for multipolygons. (bug 1390)
> - Added querymapObj to PHP MapScript (bug 535)
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