Contributor list...

Steve Lime steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Wed Mar 8 11:26:17 EST 2006

Thanks Umberto, I'll merge with other comments in my main copy.


>>> Umberto Nicoletti <umberto.nicoletti at GMAIL.COM> 03/08/06 1:49 AM >>>
Corrected the line about me.


On 3/8/06, Steve Lime <steve.lime at> wrote:
> Attached is a list based on some searches of the list archives, CVS password files, and source greps. I appologize if I've missed anyone, but it is certainly possible. There is a lot of code and many years to cover. This is only contribution through code. Please pass along edits...
> Attached as CSV and Excel files...
> Steve
> >>> Steve Lime <steve.lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US> 03/06/06 10:16 AM >>>
> Hi all: As part of the OSGF incubator process we will need to deal with contributor agreements for both new
> and past contributors to MapServer. I'd like to start compiling a list of folks that have added significant (more
> than simple bug fixes) bits of code. I'll post a list based on who has CVS access later today or tonite to kick
> things off, but would ask you all to think about who you've worked with that might not be widely known.
> For example, Pete Olson with the State of Minnesota contributed the EPPL7 and much of original raster
> code but is not widely known. I'm sure there are others.
> Other thoughts:
>   1)  How should an organization like DMSG be handled? Should an organization sign an agreement like this
>   or should individual developers? (there are proposed agreements for both cases)
>   2) Should I have to sign 3 agreements, one for each organization I have contributed code under? (UMN,
>   DNR, and as myself)
>   3) What exactly is the definition of "significant bits of code"?
> You can read the draft agreements on the OSGEO wiki: 
> Steve

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