Support for detection of SWIG and MONO during configuration

Tamas Szekeres szekeres.tamas at FREEMAIL.HU
Tue Mar 21 17:42:39 EST 2006

C# specific stuff is added to this bug


On Tue, 21 Mar 2006 16:15:53 -0500, Daniel Morissette
<dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM> wrote:

>I have created bug 1720 for the generic SWIG detection and as a tracking
>bug for language-specific bugs:
>To keep things in order please do not include language-specific details
>in this bug, instead create new bugs for each MapScript language that we
>want to detect, assigned to the right person for each language and mark
>them as blocker for this bug.
>Daniel Morissette wrote:
>> I agree with Howard that the best place to start would be to document
>> the requirements for each MapScript flavour in separate bugs, then once
>> we have sorted out the details I could try to help with the
>> updates.
>> A few questions to address:
>> 1- How to detect SWIG, is it enough to look for the swig executable and
>> test its version? Also which version is required as a minimum?
>> 2- Do we want the main Makefile automatically build all the enabled SWIG
>> bindings the same way that PHP MapScript is currently built
>> automatically by the main Makefile when it is enabled? I would think the
>> answer is yes, but we need to agree on that.
>> 3- Then for each supported language, we need:
>>     - Makefile template, including targets for default build and for
>> install (optionally a 'make test' too)
>>     - List of dependencies to detect (e.g. /usr/bin/mcs for MONO?)
>>     - Required version(s) of dependencies
>> Daniel
>> Sean Gillies wrote:
>>> At the very least, this could banish forever the mapscriptvars file
>>> hack.
>>> Sean
>>> On Mar 21, 2006, at 7:58 AM, Howard Butler wrote:
>>>> I also think it would be nice to detect SWIG and the SWIG MapScript
>>>> variants within configure for the next MapServer release.  We already
>>>> allow the specification of PHP in configure.  Some complications
>>>> might be that certain MapScripts may have specific minimum SWIG
>>>> requirements, and some MapScripts are not built with a normal
>>>> GNUMakefile (Python uses distutils, for example).  Doing this might
>>>> also make packager's lives easier.
>>>> A bug with the specifics for the detection and building of each
>>>> MapScript would be a good place to start.  I can help with the Python
>>>> side.
>>>> Howard
>>>> At 3:46 AM -0600 3/21/06, Tamas Szekeres wrote:
>>>>> Daniel,
>>>>> According to the IRC conversation I've posted this message to
>>>>> review it more
>>>>> publicly.
>>>>> The UNIX build would be more uniform if we could make support for
>>>>> detecting
>>>>> SWIG and MONO at the ./configure phase.
>>>>> I would suppose to have optional features should be given as a
>>>>> parameter like
>>>>> ./configure --with-swig --with-csharp
>>>>> by allowing to add the path to the swig and the csharp compiler
>>>>> executables.
>>>>> I think for swig /usr/local/bin/swig and /usr/bin/swig
>>>>> for mono
>>>>> /usr/local/bin/mcs and /usr/bin/mcs should be searched for by  deafault
>>>>> The other languages may have other requirements.
>>>>> Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Tamas
>Daniel Morissette

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