server-side SLD support

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Wed Nov 1 18:03:32 EST 2006

Why would someone want to mix SLD and MapServer classes? Is there an
use case? I like the idea (for non-OWS use as well), but would prefer
keeping things


>>> Daniel Morissette <dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM> 11/1/2006 3:30 PM >>>
Yewondwossen Assefa wrote:
>  I am more leaning to say that we should not save the classes
> but only the SLD (marking the classes as temporary as you suggested).

> But when we talk about save, it is done through mapscript, so the
> will have the ability to manipulate the classes before saving the map

> and next reload of the map will givent diffrent result.
> If it is a documented and acceptable limitation, I do not see any 
> problem discarding the new classes created.

This kind of inconsistent behavior makes me nervous. What you propose 
reopens the questions that I sent earlier this morning.

I mean someone could load a mapfile with MapScript, not knowing that it

contained a SLD ref. Then modify a few classes (including some coming 
from a SLD) or insert new classes and save the map, expecting the 
changes to be saved, but then because the MapScript code was not 
SLD-aware the changes would actually be lost and odd side-effects might

happen next time the saved map is loaded.

I'm also not clear on whether the current ApplySLD() method is 
sufficient for MapScript apps to interact with this feature if you plan

to maintain both the SLD ref and a set of temporary classes in memory.

>> Maybe if we don't allow people to mix SLD and CLASSes, it would make

>> life easier? But still the generated classes would need to be
>> and the SLD keyword written upon saving.
>  I still think we should allow the mixing of SLD and CLASS elements
> mark SLD generated classes as "non savable"

Mixing SLD and CLASS elements would be nice, but if that becomes the 
source of odd side-effects for apps that are not SLD-aware then that's

not good.

Daniel Morissette

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