addition of language metadata
Daniel Morissette
dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM
Thu Nov 2 15:01:38 EST 2006
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote:
> In the context of Exceptions, maybe we can (at this point) set to
> English? But which one? en-US? en-CA? en-GB?
Does the region part of the language code really matter? If we used
"en-US" as the default, would that break any client?
> In terms of content, I think this would be valuable in preparation for
> OWS Common support.
But since exceptions are hardcoded in English then we'd need two
ows_language settings: one for exceptions and one for content.
Let's say I setup a OGC service with in French, I would set
"ows_content" to "fr-CA" and this value could be used in the header of
the GetCapabilities response, but we do *not* want this value used for
exceptions which are hardcoded in English.
Will clients get confused if they get the capabilities in one language
and the exceptions in another language?
P.S. It's funny to see our roles reversed: I have switched to the user
side asking the tough design questions and you are now on the developer
side having to find solutions to answer them. Either way we keep arguing
which is good. ;)
Daniel Morissette
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