MapScript, C#, delete_classObj exception

Hallgren Johan E jhhal at WMDATA.COM
Sun Sep 17 14:57:22 EDT 2006

First of all I have read about the single thread requirement so I quite
sure that is work that way. 

First I create a layer:

layerObj oLayerObj = new layerObj(m_MapObj);
oLayerObj.connectiontype = MS_CONNECTION_TYPE.MS_INLINE; = strName;
oLayerObj.type = oMS_LAYER_TYPE;
oLayerObj.status = mapscript.MS_ON;
oLayerObj.transform = mapscript.MS_TRUE;
m_MapObj.insertLayer(oLayerObj, -1);

then I do something like:

// Class
classObj = new classObj(oLayerObj);
styleObj oStyleObj = new styleObj(classObj);
if (iSymbolIndex > 0)
	oStyleObj.symbol = iSymbolIndex;
	oStyleObj.symbol = 0;
if (colorObj != null)
	oStyleObj.color = colorObj;
if (outlineColorObj != null)
	oStyleObj.outlinecolor = outlineColorObj;
if (iFillInterval > 0)
	oStyleObj.size = iFillInterval;
classObj.insertStyle(oStyleObj, -1);
iClassIndex = oLayerObj.insertClass(classObj, -1);
// Set layertransparency
oLayerObj.transparency =

at last I do something like (several times):

shapeObj oShapeObj = new shapeObj((int)MS_SHAPE_TYPE.MS_SHAPE_POLYGON);
oShapeObj.classindex = iClassIndex;

After what you write I have some change to do, but not with new
shapeObj? I think I have to create a new one for each new object, isn't
that right?

I hope you understand but to some changes and see what will happened.


Johan Hallgren

Pelle Bergs backe 3
Box 1938, 791 19 Falun
Tel (och mobil): 023-547 46 (int: +46-2354746)

johan.e.hallgren at

-----Original Message-----
From: Tamas Szekeres [mailto:szekerest at] 
Sent: den 14 september 2006 15:06
To: Hallgren Johan E
Subject: Re: MapScript, C#, delete_classObj exception


I guess you've run into the same problem that were identified recently
and handled for the upcoming 4.10 release. I should see how you create
the inline objects, but in advance I can say you should avoid
creating classObj and shapeObj from scratch. These objects are already
created when you create a layer. You should just use the reference and
set the properties on that reference. It must be noted that some of
the interface members (like layerObj.class) will not be settable in
the future.
And also make sure you are not passing mapscript objects between
multiple threads.

Best Regards,

Tamas Szekeres

On 9/14/06, Hallgren Johan E <jhhal at> wrote:
> Hello
> I use the 4.8.4 release of MapServer and I'm using csharp/Mapscript
> option. The problem is that I could run a sequence of calls with no
> problems and I can do it a number of times but suddenly I have
> The special things I do is that:
> *         I use the same mapObj several times, in the same process,
> servral requests.
> *         I create inline features dynamically.
> *         I create layers for inline features dynamically.
> *         I create classes for those dynamically.
> After the image is created, I tries to clean up (restore) the stage to
> how it was before the request. That where I have problems, in some
> cases.
> In my log file I can read:
> 2006-04-12 20:23:44 mapscript_csharp
> Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
>    at mapscriptPINVOKE.delete_classObj(HandleRef jarg1)
>    at classObj.Dispose()
>    at classObj.Finalize()
> It's really all I can say for the moment. After restarting the process
> it runs thru as it should, no problems with cleaning up.
> Any clues?
> /Johan
> ___________________________________
> Johan Hallgren
> WM-data
> Pelle Bergs backe 3
> Box 1938, 791 19 Falun
> Tel (och mobil): 023-547 46 (int: +46-2354746)
> johan.e.hallgren at
> <BLOCKED::mailto:johan.e.hallgren at>
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