Debug 2

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at MAPGEARS.COM
Fri Aug 24 08:08:30 EDT 2007

John Cole wrote:
>   The odd thing is that it doesn't corrupt the image when mode=browse, the
> stderr is only redirected with the html template, not the images going to
> the tmp dir.  Seems like there is some code in there to figure out when it
> can append stderr and when it shouldn't somewhere, otherwise I'd expect to
> see the debugging info appear in the legend, scalebar and map as well.

That's normal since the problem is only that stderr is redirected to 
stdout by IIS. In mode=browse, stdout is used only to output the HTML 
template. The map, legend and scalebar images are written to temporary 
files on disk directly (not to stdout), that's why the stderr doesn't 
corrupt them.

>   In 4x, debug=on would corrupt WFS queries, but not map requests (or
> scalebar, legend or legendgraphic requests).  

In the WFS case, the XML response is written to stdout, that's why it 
gets corrupted.

mode=map or mode=legend would have been corrupt in 4.x as well since 
they send their output to stdout which would be corrupted by stderr 
debug messages under IIS.

There too, the easy solution
> is to turn debugging off (or now go to a file).  It's just an inconvenience
> that should probably be documented in in the reference near the MAP.DEBUG
> section, just to avoid some of the image corruption questions.

Can you please add a comment to that effect to the bottom of the page in 
the website and they'll catch it when they do the docs update.

Daniel Morissette

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