msautotest on Windows (buildbot) for MapServer 5.0

Normand Savard nsavard at MAPGEARS.COM
Tue Aug 28 08:20:04 EDT 2007

I checked the reason why the msautotest failed on buildbot for MapServer 
5.0 (szekerest-vc80-ful).  Most of the tests that return text file (xml, 
gml, html) failed because they have a "crlf" on each line and the 
expected results contain only "lf".  I modified the msautotest python 
script to process the "crlf" to "lf".

I noticed that the wxs/sld tests failed because the projection 42304 is 
not found (see the error message below).  The projection is defined in 
the map file as:


The epsg2 file is really in the data directory.  I have no idea right 
now why it doesn't find the projection file on this Windows machine.  
The Windows machine at our office didn't meet this issue.

Finally some of the tests failed because of floating point rounding 
rules difference between Windows and Unix.  These tests need to be 
validated visually and move to the expected directory.  They are:

in gdal:
average_rgb.png  class16_range.png  lut_inline.png

in misc:
grid.png legend.png ogr_select.png tr_label_pc256.png label_pc256.png 
ogr_direct.png ogr_vrtconnect.png tr_label_rgba.png
labelrot.png ogr_join.png ogr_wkt.png tr_label_rgb.png


Response of the map server:

msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. no options found in 
&#39;init&#39; file

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