agg changes

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Tue Aug 28 14:16:45 EDT 2007

I think there will be a number of AGG specific changes we might want to look at. Arrowheads are one
other example. I can extend styles for 5.2 if we desire to do that.

Cap/join are only used for cartolines (that I could see) so if that option were to go away they could too.
With AGG there's really no reason to use 'em.

Since the AGG support is so strong I would like to consider removing non-paletted support for GD 
altogether, that is no RGB or RGBA GD drivers. That would really simplify life and provide the most 
consistent output in each case. We'd be left with:

  - RGB/RGBA coming from AGG 
  - 256 color output from GD or AGG with a palette or quantization enabled

Each library would be used for what it does best. Perhaps too radical?


>>> On 8/28/2007 at 3:58 AM, in message
<d2b988930708280158g4e195a24g37918523ad242687 at>, thomas bonfort
<thomas.bonfort at GMAIL.COM> wrote:
> On 8/27/07, Steve Lime <Steve.Lime at> wrote:
>> I would agree with Zak, round for both (mimic the circular brush in GD).
>> We'll have to move those
>> keywords out of symbolObj's and into styleObj's.
> just a few remarks here...
> removing cartolines is fine when using AGG, but gd still uses them if not
> default caps are now round again.
> I *don't* think we should remove the caps/join keywords from the symbolobj,
> as they are used when drawing vector symbols (for fills, markers, and
> polyline markers from the top of my head).
> I *do* think having the same keywords in the stylobj is a good idea. I don't
> think I want to go diving in the lexer code etc.. to add this myself, but I
> can quickly add this to the line rendering code once this is settled out
> thomas

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