[mapserver-dev] RFC: GMaps API for mapserv

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Fri Apr 11 10:36:56 EDT 2008


one 'futureness' that the additional parameter gives is the ability to  
support other tiled modes, for instance Virtual Earth might be another  
target with very similar needs.

I am interested in helping out with testing, documentation, examples,  
coding (scary thought) and possibly extending the result to add  
caching and support for other request types.



On 11-Apr-08, at 12:48 AM, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> All,
> Attached find a revised RFC, per some of the feedback I have received.
> I am a little loath to give up the simpler URL syntax from the
> previous RFC (one new mode, one new parameter) so I would like to hear
> back if you feel the gains in "futureness" outweigh the simplicity of
> the first draft.  YAGNI says I should just do the Google version and
> let the future take care of itself.
> Paul
> <rfc_gmaps_api.txt>_______________________________________________
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    Paul Spencer
    Chief Technology Officer
    DM Solutions Group Inc

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