[mapserver-dev] chgset numbers required in all Tickets

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Thu Mar 20 16:56:00 EDT 2008

Steve Lime wrote:
> Should these requirements go into our committer guidelines?

Probably a good idea, and while we're at it we should probably review 
and update RFC-7 (as RFC-7-1 or RFC-7a?) to better reflect today's 
project realities (use of SVN and Trac, etc.).

As part of incubation we may also need to add something where the 
committers explicitly acknowledge that all their contributions are done 
under the license of the project. I don't think the current RFC-7 covers 
the license aspect. Some projects even go as far as requiring that the 
committers sign a formal contributor agreement but that's not an 
incubation requirement as long as there is a process to verify that "All 
code contributors have agreed to abide by the project's license policy". 
So far with other projects it seems that making that committment on the 
dev mailing list by referring to e.g. RFC-7a would be sufficient.
(See http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Project_Graduation_Checklist)

Unfortunately I don't have time to work on this update of RFC-7 now... 
maybe in a few weeks.

Daniel Morissette

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