[mapserver-dev] Feedback required: plans for Downloadable Users Manual

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Thu Mar 27 18:38:45 EDT 2008

Jeff McKenna wrote:
>> The drawback of .odt files (or any word processor files) is that you 
>> cannot easily track changes between revisions in SVN and cannot easily 
>> merge changes if multiple people work on the same doc. It's just a 
>> binary blob that is committed to the repository.
> I am aware of that.  I was just looking to back of my work, or maybe someone might have wanted to see my progress, or add a section etc...no worries man.  In the end I'll just upload the pdf to the site.

Please don't get me wrong, committing your .odt file (with -kb flag) is 
definitely worthwhile, so please do commit it so that anyone interested 
in making updates or translations can easily access the master.

>> Just an opinion. I wonder what others think.
> Maybe I can continue my work on the manual, for a 1.0 release of it, and then all of your additions can be made for 2.0 ?  

Sure. Sounds like you've got something fairly good already. Looking 
forward to it!

Daniel Morissette

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