[mapserver-dev] Call for vote on RFC 40

thomas bonfort thomas.bonfort at gmail.com
Tue May 6 13:31:44 EDT 2008

On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 4:14 PM, Stephen Woodbridge
<woodbri at swoodbridge.com> wrote:
> thomas bonfort wrote:
> > hi all,
> > I've let time slip since first proposing this, so I'd like to call for
> > vote on rfc40 which concerns text alignment and line breaking to have
> > this in for 5.2
> >
> > http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/development/rfc/ms-rfc-40/
> >
>  Thomas,
>  This would be great to get into 5.2.
>  1) Have you given any thought into rendering right to left labels and if
> that has any impact with this. I'm thinking of the new fribidi code that was
> recently integrated. I might just work as you have it planned.

I've never yet looked at bidi text until now, but it seems that the
proposed implementation fits in well with rtl text.

>  2) If label quality if more important that speed for a user that is doing
> say tiles. What is the level of effort to get good quality right alignment?
> Given that you say right aligment will not look that good with the current
> plan.
I'd see two ways at going at this:
* in the msdrawtext functions, you could split the text into
individual lines, compute the exact length of each line and adjust the
starting point of each line before feeding it to the renderer
* have each renderer implement its own text centering

no1 is probably the way to go, I'll have a look to see how complicated
that would be


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