[mapserver-dev] Re: Please help tweak and test Mapserver on the FOSS4G DVD

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Tue Sep 15 10:21:03 EDT 2009

Steve Lime wrote:
> A quick look and the script seems reasonable just to get the CGI installed. Can't do much without
> a demo though so that would seem a reasonable addition at a minimum. The debian folks were
> going to package the stock demo but I'm not sure where that stands. Maybe the other devs might
> have an idea.
> Now I'll just wait a couple of days to download the VM pieces... ;-)

Steve, Cameron,

Sorry for the late response, I just came back from vacation.

I can ask Alan to help with the packaging. He may just need some 
guidance on what we want to include.

Here are a few questions to get started:

1- Does the FOSS4G DVD already pull packages from the UbuntuGIS 
repository? It would be our intention to use UbuntuGIS packages instead 
of the stock Ubuntu packages since they are more up to date. Is that a 

2- What do we want to include? Here is a suggestion:

   - cgi-mapserver
   - Itasca demo (Steve: where is the most current version for v5.4?)
   - PHP MapScript
   - GMap PHP demo

3- For the docs, we could possibly just include the Sphinx-generated PDF 
for v5.4 but that's not very user-friendly. A better option would 
probably be to package a snapshot of the website docs and include that 
on the DVD. Any preference?

Daniel Morissette

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