[mapserver-dev] MapServer 5.6.0-beta1 today...

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Thu Sep 24 13:58:41 EDT 2009

One more point. The single pass stuff will require a change in MapScript scripts to use
the resultsGetShape() method for a layer rather than getShape(), at least for PostGIS
and Oracle (the only two drivers to implement that method). How should we handle
migration information?


>>> On 9/24/2009 at 12:55 PM, in message <4ABBB285.3090900 at mapgears.com>, Daniel
Morissette <dmorissette at mapgears.com> wrote:
> Good points. Let's create a mini HOWTO for this in the wiki and I'll 
> point to it in my release announcement. I have created the page and will 
> let Alan fill the empty sections:
>    http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/wiki/XMLMapfiles 
> I guess this should be migrated to the official docs at some point as 
> well if/when Jeff has time.
> Daniel
> Alan Boudreault wrote:
>> I agree. I could also add a README file in the source to explain how I 
>> validate a mapfile with the schema and how I transform it to a normal 
> mapfile.
>> Alan
>> On September 24, 2009 11:12:39 am Steve Lime wrote:
>>> I think it reads ok. My only comment is around the XML mapfile format. I
>>>  wonder if that warrants a little more explanation since MapServer can't
>>>  read the XML format. I can see folks getting all excited only to realize
>>>  they must transform the XML before using it. It's still a very positive
>>>  development. Perhaps a link to the various RFCs or just the main RFC page
>>>  could be added.
>>> Steve
>>>>>> On 9/23/2009 at 9:21 PM, in message <4ABAD7B3.8000104 at mapgears.com>,
>>>>>> Daniel
>>> Morissette <dmorissette at mapgears.com> wrote:
>>>> Daniel Morissette wrote:
>>>>> Just a quick reminder that today is beta1 day according to our release
>>>>> plan. I plan on packaging the beta this afternoon. If you need me to
>>>>> wait for something that you are about to commit then please let me know
>>>>> ASAP.
>>>> FYI I have packaged 5.6.0-beta1 a few minutes ago and the download link
>>>> on the website should be available in the next hour or so.
>>>> Here is the announcement that I plan on sending tomorrow morning.
>>>> Suggestions/corrections are welcome:
>>>> -------------
>>>> The MapServer Team is pleased to announce the release of the first beta
>>>> for the 5.6.0 release. We have decided to delay the 6.0 release a bit to
>>>> leave some time to stabilize the rendering enhancements that are planned
>>>> for 6.0, and to have a 5.6.0 release this fall which contains a few new
>>>> features and performance enhancements. Here is a quick summary:
>>>> New features in 5.6:
>>>>    * MS RFC 51: XML Mapfile Format
>>>>    * MS RFC 52: One-pass query processing
>>>>    * MS RFC 55: Improve control of output resolution
>>>>    * MS RFC 57: Labeling enhancements: ability to repeat labels along a
>>>> line/multiline
>>>> Preview features that will be fully functional only in 6.0:
>>>>    * MS RFC 50: OpenGL Rendering Support
>>>>    * MS RFC 54: Rendering Interface API
>>>> Other notable enhancements include:
>>>>    * Security fixes (also backported to 5.4):
>>>>      * Improved security relative to untrusted directories and mapfiles
>>>> (RFC 56)
>>>>      * Fixed several security issues found in an audit of the CGI
>>>> application (#2939, #2941, #2942, #2943, #2944)
>>>>    * Performance optimizations:
>>>>      * Load all GDAL image bands in one pass for faster processing
>>>> (r9260) * Optimized access to very large shapefiles (#2930)
>>>>    * Several enhancements/fixes to OGC Web Services specs support
>>>>    * Several enhancements/fixes to all flavors of MapScript
>>>> As usual there an a large number of additional small enhancements and
>>>> bug fixes. For a complete list is the HISTORY.TXT file at:
>>>> http://svn.osgeo.org/mapserver/tags/rel-5-6-0-beta1/mapserver/HISTORY.TXT 
>>>> The release can be downloaded at:
>>>>    http://mapserver.org/download.html OR
>>>>    http://download.osgeo.org/mapserver/mapserver-5.6.0-beta1.tar.gz 
>>>> This is the first of three planned beta releases and if all goes well a
>>>> final release should occur on October 24th, the day of the FOSS4G Code
>>>> Sprint in Sydney. The full release plan can be viewed at:
>>>>    http://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/wiki/56ReleasePlan 
>>>> We need your help to ensure a high quality product so please help out by
>>>> testing your applications with this new code base.
>>>> Thanks! - The MapServer Team
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