[mapserver-dev] [mapscript][python] does outputformatObj has missing method?

Yves Jacolin yves.jacolin at camptocamp.com
Mon Dec 17 13:08:57 PST 2012


Currently working with python mapscript on outputformat object, I have some
difficulties to get the correct information.

First, I can't get outputformat list from map obj. The documentation says:
outputformatlist : outputFormatObj[]

Array of the available output formats.


Currently only available for C#. A proper typemaps should be implemented
for the other languages.

And indeed, even if the method appears, this is not working.

Second, I can't get config option list without knowing the options. I can
use getOption( name, value ) method but it suppose to know the config name.

Am I wrong somewhere? Do you know a method to get this information or do I
need to fill a ticket?


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<yves.jacolin at camptocamp.com>
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