[mapserver-dev] - configure

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Mon Jan 30 10:07:14 EST 2012

Alan, Thomas,

Could you please document all the build changes in the 



On 12-01-30 7:59 AM, Alan Boudreault wrote:
> IIRC, I don't think mapserver apache module is ready to be used. It is
> really experimental. Using MapServer as FCGI is probably better for now.
> For mapcache, you should compile/install it manually in the mapcache
> subdirectory: http://mapserver.org/trunk/mapcache/install.html . The
> loading instruction are there as well. For PHP support, you should add
> the --with-php=/path/to/php-config . Mine is located at
> /usr/bin/php-config.
> Thanks,
> Alan
> On 12-01-28 07:52 AM, scott159 at free.fr wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would like to compile mapserver-6.2-dev but I have some questions to
>> succeed :
>> - With "--with-apache-module", I don't know where I can find
>> mod_mapserver and mod_mapcache after compilation. Where are necessary
>> files to activate in httpd.conf ?
>> - To configure mapserver and mapcache with cgi mode, I think add these
>> lines in httpd.conf, is it ok ?
>> <IfModule mod_mapcache>
>> <Directory /path/to/directory>
>> Order Allow,Deny
>> Allow from all
>> </Directory>
>> MapCacheAlias /mapcache "/path/to/directory/mapcache.xml"
>> </IfModule>
>> <IfModule mod_mapserver>
>> <Directory /path/to/directory>
>> Order Allow,Deny
>> Allow from all
>> </Directory>
>> ScriptAlias /mapserv "/path/to/directory/mapserv"
>> </IfModule>
>> --> http://localhost/mapserv
>> --> http://localhost/mapcache
>> - For fcgi mode :
>> <IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
>> IPCCommTimeout 120
>> MaxProcessCount 10
>> FcgidInitialEnv "MAPCACHE_CONFIG_FILE" "/path/to/directory/mapcache.xml"
>> ScriptAlias /map.fcgi "/path/to/directory/mapcache"
>> <Location /map.fcgi>
>> Order Allow,Deny
>> Allow from all
>> SetHandler fcgid-script
>> </Location>
>> ScriptAlias /mapserv.fcgi "/path/to/directory/mapserv"
>> <Location /mapserv.fcgi>
>> Order Allow,Deny
>> Allow from all
>> SetHandler fcgid-script
>> </Location>
>> </IfModule>
>> --> http://localhost/mapserv.fcgi
>> --> http://localhost/map.fcgi
>> - "--with-php=yes" is it right flag to activate PHP MapScript
>> Extension or can I specify path ?
>> Thanks a lot
>> scott
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Daniel Morissette
Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000

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