[mapserver-dev] using master as default branch again

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Fri May 17 10:45:57 PDT 2019

Tom, all, the default branch has been changed to master on github.


On 2019-05-16 5:38 PM, Tom Kralidis wrote:
> Hi all: as discussed at today's meeting, I tabled the idea of
> making MapServer's default branch as master (instead of
> the stable branch).  The value proposition here would be
> to potentially lessen the burden of bug fixes across branches
> as well as a more familiar workflow especially for new
> developers to contribute.
> I know we used to have this setup in the past, and then moved
> to the stable branch as the default branch, however it's a good
> time to revisit and change given the above.
> Thoughts/comments?
> Thanks
> ..Tom

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