[MapServer-dev] Accessing FlatGeoBuf (.fgb) in S3 bucket?

Björn Harrtell bjorn.harrtell at gmail.com
Tue Aug 30 09:42:36 PDT 2022

Hi Scott,

The OGR method should work but it might be confusing about naming of
file vs specified in DATA. Does it work if you omit the DATA parameter or
set it to the same name as the file name (possibly without extension)?

The new native FlatGeobuf driver ("CONNECTIONTYPE flatgeobuf") only
supports local file access. While it could possibly be extended to support
access via HTTP/HTTPS that would be non-trivial work and I'm not sure it's
worth it because the overhead of going through OGR is likely insignificant
when you have network I/O involved.

PS. I don't quite agree that it's the whole point of the format. :)

Den tis 30 aug. 2022 kl 16:49 skrev Scott <public at postholer.com>:

> Using mapserver 7.6 or 8rc1 I've been unable to serve .fgb from an S3
> bucket. Local disk works fine as does ogrinfo on S3 .fgb. COG raster
> data works fine off S3.
> Accessing .fgb from cloud storage seems to be the whole point of the
> .fgb format. So, I'm very curious if I'm doing something wrong or is it
> by design.
> Map file configs:
> v8rc1:
> DATA "/vsis3/bucket/path/data.fgb"
> v7.6.4
> CONNECTION "/vsis3/bucket/path/data.fgb"
> DATA "rm_trace"
> v8rc ms_error log:
> [Fri Aug 26 10:24:13 2022].854479 msDrawMap(): Image handling error.
> Failed to draw layer named 'rm_trace'.
> v7.6.4 ms_error log
> [Fri Aug 26 10:06:59 2022].388096 msOGRFileOpen(): OGR error. Open
> failed for OGR connection in layer `rm_trace'.  File not found or
> unsupported format. Check server logs.
> [Fri Aug 26 10:06:59 2022].388132 Open failed for OGR connection in
> layer `rm_trace'.
> --
> www.postholer.com
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