[MapServer-dev] Testing WMS with Teamengine

Seth G sethg at geographika.co.uk
Wed Oct 18 03:22:43 PDT 2023


Are they the only 2 issues to meet compliancy for WMS 1.3.0?
The first seems an easy fix - simply changing the error code (I presume the message is ok?).

No idea for the second though. image/vnd.jpeg-png is supported by GeoServer and MapProxy which I presume work the same way? Seems more like an issue for OGC, but as you write  it may be easiest to remove the format from the test server. 


web:https://geographika.net & https://mapserverstudio.net
twitter: @geographika

On Wed, Oct 18, 2023, at 10:08 AM, Rahkonen Jukka via MapServer-dev wrote:
> Hi,
> I tested if MapServer could get an OGC WMS 1.3.0 certificate. At least one failure seems relevant. I used https://demo.mapserver.org/cgi-bin/wms?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetCapabilities for testing and this GetFeatureInfo test fails: Assertion: When GetFeatureInfo is requested on a Layer that is not queryable, then the server issues a Service Exception (code=LayerNotQueryable).
> Mapserver gives this error instead: msWMSFeatureInfo(): WMS server error. Layer(s) specified in QUERY_LAYERS parameter is not offered by the service instance.
> Test query: https://demo.mapserver.org/cgi-bin/wms?FoRmAt=image%2Fpng&InFo_fOrMaT=text%2Fhtml&CrS=EPSG%3A4326&I=50&HeIgHt=100&J=50&ReQuEsT=GetFeatureInfo&StYlEs=&QuErY_LaYeRs=bluemarble&VeRsIoN=1.3.0&LaYeRs=bluemarble&BbOx=-90.000000,-180.000000,90.000000,180.000000&WiDtH=100
> Another failure comes from the MIME type test but I do not know how and where to resolve it. The test is “For format “image/vnd.jpeg-png”, when the FORMAT parameter is set to that format, the MIME type of the response matches that format”. That will fail because the jpeg-png is sort of a bogus mime type and the result is either jpeg or png. Maybe the format should be disabled from the service that is used for OGC tests. Of course if OGC recognizes image/vnd.jpeg-png then the Teamengine could be made to accept jpeg and png.
> I found also some issues in the Teamengine that created odd looking requests which yielded errors from Mapserver. I will contact the Teamengine developers for resolving which part has a bug.
> -Jukka Rahkonen-
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