Map Extents

Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Tue Jul 27 09:32:13 PDT 1999

You can use DD but anything scale related will be useless. The mapserver will
map directly from the DD coordinates to the flat graphic coordinates. For small
areas this is usually ok, but you'll definitely see distortions. Extents need to be
in the following order minx, miny, maxx, maxy. Depending on where you are in 
the world you may need to negate the lat and/or lon values to maintain that
relationship. For North America the longitude values should be negative (I think
that is correct).

Alternatively, you can either pre-project your data or project on-the-fly by compiling
with the PROJ.4 library available from the USGS and then specifying input
and output projection information. I can provide more information if anyone is


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst
MIS Bureau - MN DNR

(651) 297-2937
steve.lime at

>>> <Jsully7 at> 07/27 11:12 AM >>>
I would like to know what is the best method for specifing the EXTENTS for 
Geographic Decimal Degree Shape files (non-projected).  Is this even 
possible?  I am using Mapserver 3.2.  

Jim Sullivan
jsully7 at

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