mapserver and database connectivity.

Jim T. Bowen (GAIA Consultants Inc.) bowenj at
Tue Oct 5 16:11:16 EDT 1999

Hi all,

Second this question.  We are looking at building similar functionality,
but with PHP.  When we discover any info. re. this, we will post it. 
Perhaps Steve has some insight?


Robert Chavez wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am wondering if it is possible to send information to mapserver from a
> database (PostGresql).
>  I'm using the Pg perl module to build a web interface to my PostGres
> database so users can query and display the data set.  The next logical step
> would be to send the results to Mapserver somehow and plot them on my
> basemap -- or perhaps create a tranparent gif of the coordinates that could
> be overlayed on the base map.  Has anyone had any experience  with this sort
> of functionality?
> Thanks,
> Rob Chavez

 ___________________________________    GGG G   AAA      III    AAA     
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