licence for code

Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Wed Sep 15 07:58:09 PDT 1999

> Hi map server community,

Hi back.

> I have a project that is trying to deliver the following things, how far
> will mapserver get me?

Some of your bulleted items look to be directly from a project proposal
and are a bit difficult to interpret, please feel free to correct my interpretations.
I've forwarded this reply on to the general mapserver users list. You may well
get additional opinions. Several other "aussie" users are part of the list as well.

> * Develop the system using open source code.

MapServer is opensource. We'll be posting a particular opensource license
on the mapserver home page in the near future

> * Not interpose any publisher or data management function that can
> impose restriction of access to data through "agent in the middle"
> requirements

You'll have to clarify this one for me.

> * Use standard Internet protocols and tools to enable users and their
> browser to locate multiple sets of data from multiple sources and assess its
> "value".

MapServer is about a basic as you can get. By basic I mean that it's core
is based on tried-and-true internet technology - CGI and its use imposes very
little in the way of requirements on either a client or a server. You can of course
delvelop much more complex applications using new technolgies.

MapServer can access multiple LOCAL data sources (i.e. shapefiles or images).
Distributed data access is possible within the OGIS or OGDI frameworks for 
distributed data access. This is a planned enhancement but no timetable has
been set for work on it.

> * Provide a method for users and computers to request that multiple
> sets of data, or parts therof, be transferred to their web browsers.

Define data. MapServer returns images, renderings of GIS data. In addition
attribute information can be may available to browsers through the MapServer
query functions.

> * Package the data, or selected parts of it, in a manner suitable for
> transmission via the Internet from its source.

Dunno, is a GIF or PNG a suitable package? 

> * Deliver multiple data packages to the web browser.

Again, if one layer is package then a map is a multiple data package? If your talking about
actual raw data bundles (zipped together) then the MapServer ain't the right tool. You can
use it as a front end for such a tool. See

> * Provide a means of integrating these multiple sets of data so that
> the user can interact with them as a coherent whole

Panning, zooming and querying maps built from multiple datasets are all possible within
a single interface.

> * Provide a means for the user to undertake the analysis, querying,
> map composition, value adding or data maintenance required

Query yes (some restrictions), analysis depends, map composition yes. Adding value and
data maintanence are not core functions. Next version will allow users to markup maps
with their own features, but these features are virtual in the sense that they only exist in
a URL. Attribute maintanence is easy (or hard in transactional environment) via standard
web/db technology. Actual feature editing and creation is being looked at by a couple of
users and is being implemented as a standalone extension.

> * Allow the users to save the GIS data that has been called up to the
> browser and view the GIS data that has been saved back into the viewer while
> off line

You can save images, again no raw data involved directly with end user.

> * Provide a means for any changes made to the data to be packaged and
> returned to the source system (or systems)

Again, well beyond current system. This and the next question are more for traditional
GIS systems. Perl extensions to MapServer, in combination with some other custom
code may provide some interesting possiblities.

> * Provide a means for any changes to be merged with the source data
set (or data sets)

> Is map server an open source or proprietary development tool?


>   Susan McHattie
>  Executive Officer    
>   ____________________________________
>   Level 11 Town Hall House
>   456 Kent St Sydney NSW 2000 AUSTRALIA
>   Phone: (02) 9265-9804 Fax: (02) 9265-9115
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Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst
MIS Bureau - MN DNR

(651) 297-2937
steve.lime at

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