Using geographic data in the southern hemisphere

Cameron Shorter cameron at
Sat Aug 5 20:58:43 PDT 2000

Yes, we also have mapserv running in the south.  And we use projections
almost successfully.
(Trying to convert geographic->geographic causes a core dump as noted in
a previous email).

Sorry, I missed the original email so cannot answer specifics, but make
sure you have PROJECTION set in both your layers and MAP sections of
your mapfile.

Anton Coetzee wrote:
> Hi
> I'm using mapserver (3.3.010) on Southern Hemisphere shapefiles (Gauteng
> area) with no problem. I'm *not* using proj at all, so maybe that is an
> issue?
> As an example, here's the extent from one of my maps:
> units dd
> extent 28.05 -26.15 28.12 -26.19
> So I can answer #1 - yes, mapserver *does* work OK with Southern Hemisphere
> data.
> Sorry I can't be of help with the other stuff.
> Anton Coetzee
> On Tue, 1 Aug 2000, Tim and Marcelle Sutton wrote:
> >
> > The data is in the southern hemisphere (ie. north/south coordinates are
> > negative
> > numbers in decimal degrees).
> > 1) Does mapserver support southern hemispher geographic data?

Cameron Shorter          Web Mapping Manager
Social Change Online
6A Nelson Street         Tel: +61 (0) 2 9557 6500
Annandale NSW 2038       Fax: +61 (0) 2 9519 8940
Sydney, Australia

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