php3-expression and zoom

Christian christian at
Wed Aug 30 11:22:47 PDT 2000

this answer was damn fast! Many thanks, I try it tomorrow when I am back in 
the office.
This helps a lot!
Has there anybody an example for the zooming-buttons, too? I haven't found 
out from the gmap-example.

Can I even set a dynamic label  to the regions selected by "expression"?

>  Here is an example that dynamically creates classes
>on a certain layer (assumes here that $gpoMap is the
>map object and there is a layer called classified in
>the .map file) :
>$poLayer = $gpoMap->getlayerbyname("classified");
>$poLayer->set("classitem", "VW");
>$nColorId = $gpoMap->addColor(255, 0, 0);
>$poClass = ms_newClassObj($poLayer);
>$poClass->set("color", $nColorId);

What is the maximum number of classes and what is the practical maximum so 
that the map is served in time?
I like to run this within a loop and in the worst case I would have more 
than 5000,  (all prefixes of germany).



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