ShapefileObj getshape problem

Sven Kroemeke geotux at
Fri Dec 8 05:57:30 PST 2000

Hi everybody,

I am kind of trying to rebuild mapserver basics functionality
via php-mapscript. Right now I have a problem with

shapeObj ShapefileObj::getShape(int i)
rectObj ShapefileObj::getExtent(int i)

the input with the integer doesn't work, I always get the
same shapeObj. The input should be the ID of one item of
the shape file (first column of dbf), but I only
receive the first entry (ID 0) of the shapefile, no matter
which integer I use.
 I am looking for a small image of one queried item of
the shapefile as the basic mapserver does.
I would appreciate any help with that


(I have mandrake linux 7.1 mapserver 3.3.011, php 3.x)

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