[mapserver-users] Structured Geografic Language for GIS

Eduardo Patto Kanegae epkanegae at myrealbox.com
Thu Aug 2 19:59:36 PDT 2001

hi there...

does anybody here have heard 'bout LEGAL(Linguagem Espacial 
para GeoProcessamento Algebrico) ?
LEGAL is a structured query language for GIS objects. its 
author( Gilberto Camara - http://www.dpi.inpe.br/gilberto )
has developed a language so usefull as SQL to be used with 
Spring GIS software...

go to http://www.dpi.inpe.br/dpi/teses/gilberto/ or 
http://www.dpi.inpe.br/dpi/teses/gilberto/cap6.pdf and 
there u'll find information about it(sorry, i think there 
is no english version of it)

Eduardo Patto Kanegae

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