[mapserver-users] Is MapServer for me?

Klaus Drechsler drechsler at gmx.net
Mon Nov 19 05:03:44 PST 2001

for a resaerch project I have to do the following tasks:

I have a client with a gps receiver. With the gps-coordinates I want
to query a server and get back the location where I am (city-name or
street name or both ...) as ***ascii string*** (without a map) ...

Like in task one I have a client with a gps receiver. This time I send
the gps-coordinates to a server and want a part of a map (as gif/jpg
or something like that) back where I can see wher I am and the near

Is there (open source) software that can do the above tasks?
I found that GRASS could be what I am searching for (I thought), but
in the GRASS Mailinglist someone told me, that GRASS is overkill and I 
should take a look at MapServer...

So thats why I ask the professionals in this mailinglist:
Can mapserver do the above tasks?

I think that Task 2 is possible, but I need a solution (or ideas) for task 1.

I hope someone can give me hints on this!


Zentrum für Graphische Datenverarbeitung (ZGDV)
Abt. Mobile Informationsvisualisierung
email: klaus.drechsler at zgdv.de
          zgdv at kdnet.de

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