[mapserver-users] Cannot find -lzlib during build with ogr support

Tyler Mitchell TMitchell at lignum.com
Wed Oct 17 15:17:38 PDT 2001

Thanks Frank, this did the trick.

                    Warmerdam            To:     Tyler Mitchell <TMitchell at lignum.com>         
                    <warmerdam at pob       cc:     Daniel Morissette <morissette at dmsolutions.ca> 
                    ox.com>              Fax to:                                               
                                         Subject:     Re: [mapserver-users] Cannot find -lzlib 
                    10/17/01 01:35        during build with ogr support                        
                    Please respond                                                             
                    to warmerdam                                                               

Tyler Mitchell wrote:

> Boy, you're really gonna make me work on this one eh? ;)
> I downloaded gdal-1.1.5 and ogdi-3.1.0.  Yes, I have libzlib_ogdi31.so in
> /usr/local/lib.
> How can I tell if I've got them installed properly.  I'm not writing any
> code using the libs myself, but did notice that there were a few
> executables that came along.  Are they (i.e. gdaladdo) documented
> Could it be a path setting problem.  I have multiple terminal sessions
> running here and am finding it hard to keep my env variables up to date
> all of them.  I've discovered ldconfig, but can you tell me where to
> permanently set path variables?  gdal-config wasn't in my path, but once
> fixed that, gdal-config --libs said:  -L/usr/local/lib -lgdal.1.1
> Should I still remove the reference, or should I make sure my path and
> ld_library stuff is setup properly and re-try compile?


Just remove "-logdi -lzlib" from your Makefile for now.  I see the
configure script is a bit broken with regard to OGDI.  I will correct this
by removing the OGDI specific requests in MapServers configure script.  At
this point MapServer's configure is supposed to use gdal-config --libs to
find libraries needed by GDAL so speicific knowledge of stuff like OGDI is
not needed.

Best regards,


I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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