[mapserver-users] pre-projection

Brian Hill bhill at nextbus.com
Wed Oct 31 17:41:06 EST 2001

I have tiger data in geographic projection, and other data in a mercator 
projection.  My output projection is the mercator projection.  All the 
preceding is specified in my .map file.

Does one of the MapServer utilities allow me to pre-project all the 
tiger data into the same mercator projection so that the transformation 
doesn't have to be done on-the-fly?  If so, are there directions 
somewhere (something much more detailed than the discussion at 
http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/coordinates.html ) that I can follow to do 
this operation?

My goal is to make my installation perform better, and I am hoping from 
previous posts to this list that this will be the ticket.  Thanks very 
much for any pointers. --Brian Hill

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