[mapserver-users] Compiling nightly build

Robert Aldridge bamarob55 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 10 16:20:12 EDT 2001


I'm getting very frustrated with myself trying to
compile a recent nightly build of mapserver.  I have a
fresh install of Mandrake 8.0 and want to get
mapserver working.  I downloaded and installed gd,
libtiff, libpng, libjpeg, etc.  I also install the
ArcSDE8.1 client.  The configure script runs fine with
the following arguments:

./configure --with-sde=/usr/local/arcsde/sdeexe81
--with-sde-version=81 --with-gd=../gd-1.8.4

Then I run make and everything seems to build OK. 
However, when I try to run mapserv with:

./mapserv /path-to-test-map/test.map

I get:

./mapserv: error while loading shared libraries:
libpng.so.3: cannot load shared object file: No such
file or directory

The libpng.so.3 exists in /usr/local/lib and the png
tests worked ok.

Help, please...

Sorry if this sounds like a newbie question, but I'm


Robert Aldridge

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