[mapserver-users] Utilities Doc Update Needed

Jamie Smedsmo jsmedsmo at gis.umn.edu
Tue Apr 23 07:40:14 PDT 2002

It has been updated.


Stephen Woodbridge wrote:

>Mapserver Documentarians,
>Could I get some one to make a minor update to the Utilities doc page at
>For the tile4ms utility, please document:
>tile4ms -h
>usage: tile4ms <meta-file> <tile-file> [-tile-path-only]
><meta-file>     INPUT  file containing list of shapefile names
>                (complete paths 255 chars max, no extension)
><tile-file>     OUTPUT shape file of extent rectangles and names
>                of tiles in <tile-file>.dbf
>-tile-path-only Optional flag.  If specified then only the path to the 
>                shape files will be stored in the LOCATION field
>                instead of storing the full filename.
>The -tile-path-only is missing and even knowing it existed I have to
>look at the source to find it. OK, it didn't occur to me to look at the
>command line help until after I looked at the source - so call me a
>programmer :)
>Anyway, it would be a big help, Thanks.
>Oh, I will update wiki.
>-Steve Woodbridge

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