[mapserver-users] mapserver shows only background

Albin Blaschka albin.blaschka at sbg.ac.at
Tue Aug 6 07:56:46 PDT 2002

Hello out there,

I am a complete newbie to mapserver, so I tried to study the tutorial from 
the documentation and tried to do example 1 – A Single Layer -  with my own 
data on my own server.
(the demo-application is up and running, thanks to the list...)

But when  i call the page, all i get is an rectangle filled with the 
background-color, but no shapes...
I have following directories on my Linux-box (Debian Woody, Apache 1.3.26):

document root (apache): /opt/htdocs
cgi with mapserv: /opt/htdocs/cgi-bin
my directory: /opt/htdocs/mydir
the shapes:/opt/htdocs/mydir/data
Apache has all rights (read, write, execute in the document root downwards...)

I call the page: http://myserver.at/mydir/one.htm
<title>Test MapServer</title>
<h3>One Layer</h3>
<img border="1" 
</html> -->

the biotope.map file looks like this:

## Map-File
name marzoll
size 800 800
units meters
extent 417000 289000 420000 293000 # Ausrian National Grid, Unit is meters
imagecolor 100 100 100
status on
imagetype png # GD without gif
shapepath "/opt/htdocs/mydir/data/"

     layer # start the layer object
         name test
         data biotope # in the dir /opt/htdocs/mydir/data are biotope.shp 
biotope.dbf etc...
         type polygon
             color 220 220 220
             outlinecolor 0 0 0
         end # end of class object
     end # end of layer object
end # end of map file

I took the example from the tutorial, and modified it by myself, and i got 
it not working...
All I get is a rectancle filled with the specified color, the shapes are 
o.k., i tested them in Esri ArcView 3.2

Please heeeelp,


//  Albin Blaschka, Mag. rer. nat.
//  Etrichstraße 26
//  A - 5020 Salzburg
//  It´s hard to live in the mountains,
//  hard, but not hopeless!

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