[mapserver-users] generic way to access shape values from a query using phpmapscript

Sylvain Pasche sylvain_pasche at yahoo.fr
Wed Aug 7 06:21:35 EDT 2002


I want to display query results using php mapscript. For the moment,
when I perform a query with msQueryByPoint, I get back a list of shape 
id using the resultcache. Then, when I want to access the values from
the shape, I directly access the dbf on the disk to read the fields

This is ok for shapefile layers, but I would like to do the same with
other kind of layer, such as opengis, ogr, and others.

Is there a way to do it with phpmapscript (ie: a generic way to read
layer item values) and if so, how could this be done ?



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