[mapserver-users] hardware mapserver specification

Tyler Mitchell TMitchell at lignum.com
Mon Feb 11 08:47:57 PST 2002

We are running a test server for getting to know mapserver and it runs
The server is a pentium 120Mhz with 64 MB RAM - not a recommended
production server, but it works for me at the moment.
I have the mapserver demo data (itasca county) running, the data is stored
in a postgis database.  With all the layers turned on, I get an average
response time over our network of 3-4 seconds (I think it was 2 by using
shape files instead of postgis, but I'm not sure at this moment).
I also have mapserver running on my workstation, a Pentium 4 - 1.5Ghz with
256 MB RAM.  I'm running more than just the demo data, including a 75MB
satellite image and I get <1 second response on average.  Required hard
disk space is dependent upon the size of your spatial/tabular datasets
(plus some temporary storage space).


                    Vinko Vrsalovic <v at w.cl>                                                                                       
                    Sent by:                            To:     teb <teb at mallit.fr.umn.edu>                                        
                    owner-mapserver-users at lists.g       cc:     mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu, sukhum at tisconsult.com           
                    is.umn.edu                          Fax to:                                                                    
                                                        Subject:     Re: [mapserver-users] hardware mapserver specification (FWD)  
                    02/09/2002 03:31 AM                                                                                            
                    Please respond to v                                                                                            

> Hi,
>     We are interesting to MapServer application developers. We
> want to build server with php language on linux redhat 6.2.

Hi, why 6.2?

> - How are your hardware mapserver specification now? (CPU, RAM,

For a prototype that involved using Mapscript to display complex polygon
layers, and dynamic generation of new layers with data stored in
a database and queries on the shapefiles it ended up taking an average
response time of 2 seconds on a P4 1.5, 1GB RAM and SCSI (don't know
SCSI what that is, sorry) disks.

On the other side, a basic application, that only displays static layers
and queries on them, on a P2 350 with 128MB RAM and IDE disks, it took
up an average response time of app. 1 second.

V. <v at w.cl>

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