[mapserver-users] Raster Aerial photos

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Mon Jun 10 09:05:44 PDT 2002

It sounds like each of the images is using a different color lookup
table and when you combine multiple images you run out of color lookup
table entries in mapserver. If you can get image alchemy to used the
same color table for all the images then this problem will probably go
away. Some of the other image gurus on the list might have some other


Iris Schnegg wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to include 80 aerial photographs.  The size of each of the
> photos is circa 25 MB.  I converted them from 24 bit jpg pictures to 8
> bit tif images with image alchemy.  When I include one of the pictures
> in the mapping file the image is in a pretty good quality.  When I
> include five or more pictures, the quality of the pictures deteriorates.
>  I get white and gray pixels in the images where they don't belong.  It
> almost looks like the red channel is missing.  When I view the pictures
> in Corel Photo paint, the colors seem to be all right.
> Can anybody help me out?
> Thanks,
> Iris

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