[mapserver-users] Edit database attribute

E Perik erwin at perik.nu
Sat May 4 10:58:27 PDT 2002

Hi All,

been looking into Shapefile Viewers & Editors lately, but found none
suitable for my purpose, which is 'no more' then:

* load layer (shapefile)
* select item (polygon or point)
* edit selected item's dbase-value's

At esri.com I stumbled upon MapObjects 2.1, which has some very nice
examples regarding adding shapes and images to a viewer, but could not
find any information regarding Editing-attributes.

As it needs to be a stand alone application, MapObjects is very

Does anyone have some experience with editing database values of shapes
/ points / annotations with MapObjects or any 'tool' ?

Apologies for being not really Mapserver related this time, but I found
out that Mapserver users have a very broad background regarding GIS in
general, so hoping that this one has been covered or looked in to by
someone else :-)

Thanks for any input,


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