[mapserver-users] Re: Shadow below map

Richard Greenwood rich at GreenwoodMap.com
Tue May 28 19:32:06 PDT 2002

I think Stephen's idea is more elegant (if it works) but a brute force 
approach might be to make a new shape file of your county boundary. Then 
scoot it southeast a little, add it into your .map file under your real 
county boundary and make it some dark color. This assumes that your real 
county boundary is a solid filled polygon, which would mask out this 
"shadow" polygon.


At 08:55 PM 5/28/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>I'm not sure you can do a shadow, but you might be able to by using an
>OUTLINESYMBOL that is offset from 0,0 like:
>   name 'offset'
>   type vector
>   points
>     0 0 1 -1
>   end
>   name 'county'
>   type polygon
>   data ...
>   class
>     symbol 'offset'
>     size 5
>     color 85 85 85   # gray
>     overlaysymbol 'circle'
>     overlaycolor 255 255 255 # white
>     overlayoutlinecolor 0 0 0 # black
>   end
>OK, I haven't tried this, but the idea is that we lay down a polygon
>using the offset symbol which is a 45 degree line to the right in gray.
>It is size 5 so the diagonal will be 7 pixels. Then we lay down a white
>polygon that is not offset, and we outline the white polygon in black.
>Let us know if it works.
>allan panitch wrote:
> >
> > Is there any simple way to make a shadow under the boundry of a map?
> > IE.. we have a county map that we just want to make it look like there is
> > a shadow below the county (there is nothign around it) or make it look
> > raised?
> > Thanks for the help.

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