[mapserver-users] multiple mapserv executables

Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Oct 22 06:42:38 PDT 2002

Alexander Pucher wrote:
> OK, clear to me. No problem to call different php_mapscript.so's. Do I
> understand the point, that I do not have to call different mapserv
> executables, only the php_mapscript.so's? So a single mapserv version
> 3.6.2 executable could also serve version 3.4 applications if I call
> dl("php_mapscript_34.so"); in the respective files?

Actually, php_mapscript.so is a _replacement_ for mapserv ... you need
one or the other, but you do not need both.  MapScript (PHP, Perl, ...)
is just a different interface to the same core mapping functionalities
that were used to build the mapserv CGI.

> Maybe I was somewhat imprecise in my first mail, but I don't want to
> call mapserv via an URL, but with the 'imageObj draw()' PHP/MapScript
> function.

The $map->draw() function in MapScript comes with everything it needs to
render a map to PNG/GIF/JPEG and has no dependency on the mapserv CGI.

 Daniel Morissette               morissette at dmsolutions.ca
 DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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